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iVPS Virtual Private Servers

Powerful KVM Virtual Private Servers with high-end resources

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Choose Your VPS Hosting Plan

Flexible VPS hosting platform to deploy your online projects. Economical and balanced between processor cores, memory, and storage. Many linux (open source) templates available to choose from.

  • CPU

    1 vCore

  • Memory

    2 GB

  • Storage

    40 GB

  • Bandwidth

    1 TB


per month 50% off now, use "free23" code

A Reliable & Affordable Hosting Option

Self-managed KVM VPS servers, Great value for your money! Choose your operating system from CentOS, Fedora, Debian or Ubuntu and configure your server as per your needs.

Dedicated Resources

To ensure you will get a benefit of every single penny you pay to us, we let you choose and customize resources on VPS, i.e. CPU cores, memory, storage, transfer, etc. You just need to pay for the resources you want to consume.

Access Your Data Anywhere, Anytime

We don't put any limit when it comes to accessing or updating your data and service. You are free to access your files, folders, databases, and other resources anywhere from around the world whenever you want.

Full Control

You will get full control over your site. You can decide what you want on your VPS server. We give you root access with our hosting that lets you install the control panel and operating system without taking permission from us.

Top-notch Security

We use the KVM virtualization platforms. Highly regarded and established for best security practices. Virtual Machine containers are secured in a jail environment. Your workload would not be accessible by other virtual servers on the same node.

99.9% Uptime Guarantee

You will get a guarantee of 99.9% of uptime guarantee with our VPS hosting service. Our VPS infrastructure is empowered with high-performance SSD storage that ensures flawless performance smoothly.

Easy Provisioning

Easily deploy VPS instances inside our control panel. Choose from any of the most popular operating system flavors. Such as Centos, Ubuntu, and Debian. Windows VPS is also available on our KVM platform.

Images available for your Virtual Private Server

Automatically install a wide variety of Operating Systems and Control Panels


Frequently Asked Queries

Efficiently productivate reliable paradigms before ubiquitous models. Continually utilize frictionless expertise whereas tactical relationships. Still have questions? Contact us

A virtual private server (VPS) is used for hosting websites (e-commerce, content, visual media) and software applications (portals, extranets, collaborative solutions, wikis, CRM). Unlike shared hosting, the data is isolated onto a virtual machine which is dedicated to the user.

A KVM VPS is a virtual private server which sits on top of a physical dedicated server. Resources are dedicated to the KVM VPS and are not shared with other users on the physical device, offering tremendous reliablity and performance for the money.

You can use the following IP for the test.

A Virtual Private Server (VPS), or Virtual Dedicated Server (VDS) is basically a Dedicated Server without the high costs. With our Self-Managed Virtual Servers we take a physical server and partition it off into separate sectors. The main advantage of a VPS over a typical Shared or Reseller hosting account (for example) is that you can install the software and configure almost every detail to the way you want it allowing you to take your website(s) or project(s) to another level.
Each of our VPS nodes is equipped with a minimum of 32GB DDR3 ECC RAM and utilize RAID-10 Disk Technologies to provide a reliable and stable VPS Hosting environment. Our servers have HyperThreading thanks to the Intel Xeon processors that are in operation.

You can use the following IP for the test.

iVPS is using Virtualizor. Virtualizor is a powerful web-based VPS Control Panel, which a user can deploy and manage VPS on servers with a single click.

All VPS are setup instantly automatically after the invoice has been paid.

iVPS is a 24/7/365 operation with trained techs to always have an answer for you. Since we are an unmanaged provider, we are only required to provide support on network and hardware related issues. Anything beyond that scope, you would have to pay for administrative tech time.